“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen.
Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live!...
Never forget the day when you stood before the Lord your God at Mount Sinai…”
Deuteronomy 4:9-10
Be careful! Those words are like a caution light, signaling us to pay attention to potential danger. Moses lovingly used them sixteen times while pleading with the Israelites.
First, “Be careful never to forget what your yourself have seen.” The people he was addressing were only children or teenagers the day they stood before the Lord at Mount Sinai. They saw the mountain shake violently, they saw dark clouds of smoke and flames of fire. And in the midst of their terror, they heard GOD speak.
It is amazing that those children came near and stood at the foot of that mountain, even though afraid. (v 11) God let THEM hear His voice and see His presence! God personally instructed THEM to fear Him as long as they live. And now as adults, Moses tells them to be careful…never forget that experience.
I have a feeling God intended to imprint the hearts of those children at Mt. Sinai with a truth that would always keep them safe…the security of HIS care...They came close to God as children when they were frightened at the mountain. So they KNOW as adults they never have to be afraid...no danger will harm them…IF they come close to God!
May I never forget God's care...IF I too come close to Him!