“Why have you brought all this trouble on your own people, Lord? Why did you send me?
Ever since I came to Pharaoh as your spokesman, he has been even more brutal to your people. And you have done nothing to rescue them!”
Exodus 5:22-23
When the Israelites’ slavery became unbearable, Moses blamed GOD for the brutality, and even accused Him of doing NOTHING to rescue his people!
At this time in history, Moses would had known God by two names: Elohim, the Creator and El Shaddai, God Almighty. Then, when Moses asked God who he should say sent him to deliver the Israelites, God revealed a third name, Yahweh, I AM. Even though Moses had been learning about this God, he still did not yet really know Him.
Could that be the reason Moses was so quick to blame God for all his people’s trouble? Don’t we do that…blame people before we really know them? If we took time to understand that person and where they come from, perhaps we would not be so quick to make accusations. Stopping the blame game takes fresh insight.
Moses needed more insight to know God better, and all he had to do was watch and listen. Yahweh was about to break into his life with revelations of Himself no human had ever seen before. I also need fresh insights from God, ones I’m sure He is waiting to reveal. And if I pay close attention, those fresh revelations will most likely put an end to my blame game!