“Then God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light.”
Genesis 1:3

Genesis chapter one is full of God’s voice! Ten times these words are recorded, “Then God said…” Eight times those words are followed by the word let. “Let there be…Let the waters...Let the earth…” However, the phrases that follows these commands are what amaze me. Seven times in this creation narrative we’re told, “…and THAT is what happened!”
When God speaks, it happens! The power of His words created the heavens, the earth and every single thing in them. The powerful words of God the Son brought miracles into everyday lives: “Your son will live,” and suddenly the fever was gone. “Stand up, pick up your mat and walk,” and instantly the man was healed. “Peace be still,” and the sea became calm. “Lazarus come forth!” and the dead man walked.
When God speaks, chaos turns to order, darkness becomes light, emptiness is filled with a beauty never imagined. You may think His voice has been drowned out by the traffic of the world, but it is still there. Listen closely. It may surprise you to hear Him in the laughter of your child or in the notes of a soothing melody. God IS speaking, and when HE speaks, something powerful is about to happen!