“When Seth grew up, he had a son and named him Enosh.
It was during his lifetime that people first began to worship the LORD by name.”
Genesis 4:26
The definition of “name” is a word by which a person is known. Knowing a person’s name is the beginning of your knowledge of them. It is the same with God…to know GOD, one must know His Names. Throughout scripture God progressively shows us more of His character as He reveals each Name.
In Genesis one, God called himself Elohim, the Strong Creator, the One who spoke the world into being. In Genesis two a more personal Jehovah God/Yahweh formed man with His own hands and breathed His own breath into him. In Genesis three this same Jehovah God wanted relationship with man, so He personally came seeking, “Adam, where are you?”
In Genesis 4 we meet Enosh, Adam’s grandson, who was 695 years old when Adam died. So, at some point in Adam’s lifetime, people “began to worship the LORD by name.” Notice what name…they worshipped the LORD they had heard about in Adam’s stories: the LORD who miraculously created of his beautiful companion, the LORD who walked with them in the garden, the LORD who pleaded with his son, Cain. They worshipped the LORD who wanted to be close to them!
When Adam’s people realized Yahweh was a personal God, they worshipped Him. And when I come to that same realization, I too will worship!