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“The Big Picture”

“Then people all over the earth will know that the Lord alone is God and there is no other.”

1 Kings 8:60

Ever feel like God’s blessings of love are so overwhelming that you must be His favorite? Yet we know God loves every one of His creation just the same! So, even though God poured His blessings on the Israelites, His special treasures, God had a higher purpose in mind for those favorites.

In his dedication prayer Solomon rehearsed what God had done—kept His promise to David and fulfilled His promise to Solomon who sat on the throne just as He promised. Solomon declared the Lord keeps He covenant of unfailing love and thanked Him for giving rest to His people, just as He promised.

God always kept His promises; therefore, His people were to keep THEIRS—be completely faithful to the Lord and always obey His decrees. When God does HIS part, and His people do THEIR part, then people all over the earth will also get to HAVE A PART in God’s blessings! THAT is God’s purpose—for ALL people to know His unfailing love, for ALL people to experience relationship full of blessings!

From the moment God gave Adam his first breath, He desired relationship, not just with one, but with ALL. So, every time I experience the blessings of His love, may I remember:

God’s blessings of love are to be shared—THAT is the BIG picture!


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