“If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it, but if I didn't love (my family), I would have gained nothing.”
1 Corinthians 13:3
My experiences the past several months have reminded me of what's really important in life.
--Walking through difficult moments with my husband as he faces some new health issues...
--Helping a sister deal with the challenges of her husband's dementia...
--Sitting with another sister in the ER as she navigated several frightening moments...
--Watching and praying with our pastor as he deals with aggressive cancer...
Each circumstance, each relationship, each day simply enhanced a fact I already knew to be true: Life is fragile!
But this week as I sat with family at our granddaughter's high school graduation, my heart smiled really big. THIS is what's important in life--being TOGETHER with those you love, celebrating the milestones of life, remembering God's unfailing love in the past, and trusting His faithfulness for the future.
Life doesn't always play out the way we plan. As I watched our two beautiful granddaughters this week, I remembered three years ago Mia didn't even get to have a graduation because of Covid. But now, what a joy it was to see Mia blessing her cousin by joyfully celebrating Cheree's big day, as if it were her own! And both girls' joy blessed this Grammy's heart abundantly!
GOD's priorities focus on people more than tasks. So, even when life doesn't fit my plan, may I still live each day with GOD's values. May I remember what's most important in life is not to accomplish what is on MY list, but to focus on who is on GOD's list!
God so loved the world that He gave His life...
not for projects, but for people.
May I do the same!