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“The Lord Be with You”

“Jehoshaphat appointed judges throughout the nation in all the fortified towns, and he said to them, ‘Always think carefully…Remember that you do not judge to please people but to please the LORD…You must always act in the fear of the LORD, with faithfulness and an undivided heart…Take courage as you fulfill your duties, and may the LORD be with those who do what is right.’”

2 Chronicles 19:5-6, 9, 11 NLT

When King Jehoshaphat went out among the people, he not only encouraged them himself, but he placed them in the hands of leaders who would do the same. By appointing judges in all their towns, the king made sure his people would always have a godly example to follow. That is, IF those judges followed the king’s instructions.

The rules were simple, but courage was needed to follow them.. However, those judges were not simply fulfilling routine duties. Their assignments were part of GOD's work; they were part of GOD's team! That meant if the judges did their part, God would do His—be with them!

Be with—could there be a better reward than to have Almighty God be with you? However, we too have a role to play in that connection, and His Word gives us those simple instructions. Some people look at the Bible as a Book of boring, routine duties to perform. But in reality, The Word is a roadmap to relationship with God, and it takes courage to follow it!

When you live by God's simple instructions, you too will enjoy His greatest gift—



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