“They entered the house and saw the child with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasure chests and gave him gifts of
gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:11 NLT
When the wise men opened their treasure chests for Jesus, their gifts were not just expensive items that came from those men’s material wealth. Their gifts also represented who they were and what they carried in the treasure chests of their lives.
Notice those men did not just leave their treasures on the doorstep like delivery people leave packages before Christmas. Instead, they came inside to see the King, personally opened their treasure chests, and personally gave Him what was inside.
Our lives are likewise treasure chests filled with uniquely designed jewels, many gifted by Our Creator before we were born. Yet others are accumulated through our individual life experiences. Some events give us opportunities to choose between pride and humility—others force us to cling tightly to the Rock or be swept away. But whether we trudge through deep valleys or climb steep mountains, the more we trust Our Shepherd, the more gems He adds to our treasure chest!
The treasures we've been given were not meant to be horded for our own benefit. Neither were they to be dropped on the King's doorstep at our convenience.
Isn’t it time to open our treasure chests and give those gems to Him in worship?