“The earth was empty, a formless mass cloaked in darkness.
And the Spirit of God was hovering over its surface.”
Gen. 1:2
The name Elohim personifies activity. So, when Elohim hovers, we better take notice! We don’t know how long God had been hovering over the face of the earth, but the Genesis story proves that He was getting ready for some mighty big action.
Picture with me a runner before the most pivotal race of his life. He’s crouching down with his feet perfectly set on the starting blocks. The muscles in his legs are pulsating with anticipation, his arms are twitching with excitement, and his heart is pumping adrenaline to every cell of his body. It may appear that the runner is “simply hovering” over the track; but in reality, every fiber of his being is preparing for action.
That is a picture of your Creator as He hovers over your life. Perhaps you’ve waited so long, hoping for change, only for life to get emptier and the darkness get thicker. It may seem to you that God is doing absolutely nothing; but in reality, His hands are working with mighty power, and His heart is pulsating with unfailing love—all for you.
Elohim is YOUR God—Elohim creates miracles—
HE is getting ready to change your world!