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“Where’s Home?”

“Lord, through all the generations you have been our home!”

“Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives.”

Psalm 90:1, 14

Headed for a home in Canaan, the author of this psalm spent most of his life under a roof of animal skins, never setting foot in that land. And yet, in the middle of his wilderness, Moses declared, “Lord…YOU have been our home.”

When I got to know Ron Sommers, I felt so at home with him, that I married him, and we made our HOME together! Evidently that’s how Moses felt with the Lord—at home. After all, he’d spent hours face to face with His Lord in the Tent of Meeting. He saw God in the manna every morning, and the quail every evening. And the cloud of the Almighty hovered over him day and night.

Certainly, God answered the first half of Moses’ prayer, “Satisfy us each morning with Your unfailing love,” but what about the second half of that verse? OTHER PEOPLE’s rebellion had kept Moses stuck in a wilderness for forty years, and Moses’ OWN disobedience kept him from entering the Promised Land. So, how could Moses sing for joy to the end of his life, especially with no home in Canaan?

Nevertheless, when Moses climbed Mount Pisgah by faith, the LORD showed him the entire land of Canaan. But I’m sure, even more special than seeing the Promised Land—Moses SAW the God who had always been HIS home.

Have you been stuck in a wilderness for so long you’ve given up on ever seeing God's promises fulfilled in your life? Don’t let the cause of that wilderness keep you wandering aimlessly. You are NOT homeless. Look closer—you are surrounded by the unfailing love of Your Father. HE is your home, no matter what!

Oh Lord, satisfy us with YOUR unfailing love, so we may sing for joy to the end of our lives

whether we "see Canaan" in this life or not!


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