“Then the king bowed his head in worship as he lay in his bed.”
1 Kings 1:47
We’ve heard the saying, “You’ve made your bed, now lie in it.” Sadly, we all live with the consequences of our choices.
Even the man after God’s own heart made bad choices. For years David slept in a bed of unending pain because of those choices—rebellion and public shame from his own son as well as the death of 70,000 people. Therefore, it’s interesting to see what King David did at the end of his life, as he lay in the bed he had made—he bowed his head in worship.
Evidently David made good choices during the hours he lay on his deathbed. He could have focused on the pain of his mistakes or he could have focused on his own great accomplishments. But instead, David must have chosen to focus on the GOD who had always given him strength and the ONE who kept His promises. By focusing on the GOD who is faithful no matter what, David was able to bow his head in worship as he lay in HIS bed!
So, no matter what kind of bed I have made for myself, GOD has never left my bedside. He knows how to smooth the lumps in my mattress so I too can bow my head in worship as I lay in MY bed!