“When Moses had finished speaking,
all the people bowed down to the ground and worshiped.”
Exodus 12:27

Moses had just finished reciting to the family of Israel God’s detailed instructions to prepare for the first Passover. A most shocking level of trust is revealed in their very first action…all the people bowed to the ground and worshiped.
Really? Was there no need to figure everything out themselves? Why not first analyze each detail and evaluate if the plan will really work? Didn’t they need to express their opinions about these strange directives? Was it not important for their feelings to be heard?
Too often when I read a difficult instruction in God’s Word (like forgive as I have forgiven you, love your enemy, or speak the truth in love), I brood instead of worship. When I brood, I fret about every little detail of the situation, I worry about what people might think, and I question how the scenario will play out if I do what God says. But doesn’t my God already know? And will HE not be faithful to do His part when I do mine?
Perhaps those Israelites had more faith in God’s Word than I do. Instead of brooding, they bowed in worship!
Father, I trust that You know best, so please help my heart to bow first,
before my mind even has time to brood.