“But Noah found favor with the Lord.” NLT
“But Noah was different. God liked what He saw in Noah.” The Message
Genesis 6:8
In the preceding verses, we read God’s observations of the wickedness engulfing the earth. We heard that it broke His heart, and how He planned to wipe out the entire human race because of it. “BUT Noah found favor with the Lord.” God liked what He observed!
But Noah…what was it about this one man that made God stop and take notice? Noah’s history revealed he was a “…righteous man, the only blameless man...He consistently followed God’s will and enjoyed a close relationship with him.”
As God’s eyes scanned the world of those days, it was undoubtedly easy to observe the corruption. However, God was searching for something far more important. 2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us “The eyes of the LORD search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.” Among all the people of the earth, only ONE fit that description, Noah. And it was because of him, God spared Noah’s family and all the animals from destruction.
God’s eyes have never stopped scanning the world, and His heart has never stopped breaking. But in the midst of the havoc God witnesses today, will you be the different one who catches His eye? Will you be the one who finds His favor?