“In addition to the Sabbath, these are the Lord’s appointed festivals, the official days
for holy assembly that are to be celebrated at their proper times each year.”
Leviticus 23:4

I’m intrigued by something I wrote in an old journal, “It seems God was saying, ‘If I am going to come live among people, then life will center around Me!’” Perhaps that’s God’s reason for so many festivals…He was demonstrating a very important principle…Real life centers around Him!
First, God put His house in the middle of the camp. Then He required EVERYONE to regularly come together…every week to rest and worship, every month to celebrate a different festival, and every year for the Passover. On each occasion, the community ceased their labor, remembered what God had done, gave gifts to Him, and celebrated! So along with the required daily offerings, the Israelites had no time to forget their God.
God’s plans for festivals did not come from a selfish heart, but a loving heart! God knew if the Israelites remembered His provisions of the past, they would not fear the future. God knew the more they celebrated miracles, the more they would believe for miracles! And these festivals were full of JOY, precisely God’s plan for me as well. So how often will I remember HIS goodness in MY life and celebrate a festival of joy?
The more often I remember, the more I will trust…
and the more I trust, the more miracles I can celebrate!