“Then God said, ‘Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us…’
Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground…”
Genesis 1:26, 2:7
Hand-made items come with a higher price than those that roll off the factory assembly line. Even though high, we often agree to pay that price, knowing the hand-made item has great value to its designer. After all, the creator poured a part of themselves into their masterpiece with every movement of their loving hands.
In the book of beginnings, we are introduced to a powerful Creator who spoke the entire world into being with His words, “Let there be…” That is, until He came to His final creation. Only then did God say, “Let us MAKE human beings…” Instead of using His words to speak us into being, God used His hands!
The entire method of creation shifted when God chose to form us into His very own image, with His very own hands. Even though each of His prior creations was a masterpiece to behold, God marked His final piece with a value far beyond all others. With gentle, loving movements of the universe’s most holy hands, God formed His treasure, and left HIS thumbprint on its very soul.
YOU are handmade, with a value so high that your Creator will accept only top price for your soul...and that price has already been paid!