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“Hordes of Horses”

“All the kings came out to fight. Their combined armies formed a vast horde. And with all their horses and chariots, they covered the landscape like the sand on the seashore.”

Joshua 11:4

After the Israelites ravaged the southern kingdoms, ALL the northern kingdoms banded together to conquer them. How terrifying that vast horde of horses must have looked to people who had never even owned horses.

Although the Israelites had been slaves in a land of horses, they left Egypt without a single horse to carry their loads or to fight their battles. And that is exactly how GOD wanted it! In fact, He had given specific instructions about horses… “The king must not build up a large stable of horses for himself, or send his people to Egypt to buy horses…” (Deut. 17:16) And, “When you…face horses and chariots and an army greater than your own, do not be afraid. The Lord your God…is with you!(20:1)

God did not want His people to trust in their horses, but to trust in their God! As they faced this vast horde He declared, “Do not be afraid of them…I will hand all of them over to Israel as dead men.” And that is exactly what GOD did! The Israelites did not need horses…Almighty GOD was on their side!

In what breed of horses do we trust?

Your hordes of horses may look different than mine,

but, if GOD is on our side, why do we need any horses at all?


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