January 17, 2020
"At that moment, their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness. So they strung fig leaves together around their hips to cover themselves.”
Genesis 3:7
Life before the bite was perfect. Surrounded by unbelievable beauty, Adam and Eve lived free and naked with the God who supplied all their needs… “and neither of them felt any shame.” (Gen. 2:25) But, when they chose not to heed God’s only warning, all of our lives changed forever.
The words that follow the bite are both alarming and sad, “…they suddenly felt shame.” Shame was never a part of God’s plan, and neither were hiding, fear, or blame. But as we continue reading, we hear them all: “…I hid, I was afraid…but it was the woman…the serpent tricked me…” This junk is the result of one bite, from man deciding he knew better than his Creator!
The results of going our own way are always devastating. Adam and Eve were banished from paradise, from a smorgasbord of endless flavors to soil full of thorns and thistles. Likewise, when we choose our way over God’s, we should not be surprised when fear, shame, and blame become painful thorns in our sides. And it only takes one bite!