“…and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind…”
Genesis 1:12
The gift of reproduction is a fascinating part of God’s creation plan. He commanded seeds to produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came, and that is exactly what happened.
The same was true for the animals, each was “…able to reproduce more of its own kind” (v. 25)
However, when it came to man, God formed something distinctly different than all other creations. He said, “Let us make people in our image, to be like ourselves.” Then He blessed them and gave them instructions to “…multiply and fill the earth.”
The seeds placed inside plants and animals were to produce more of their kind. So, what about man? If we are made in GOD’s image, and the seed inside of us reproduces like kind, then our offspring should look like God! That was certainly His intent when God formed us in His image, but sin spoiled the original perfect seed. Consequently, God made a way for us to be “born again,” for the dead seed to be replaced with His new seed, full of His life and His image. Therefore, only when I allow His rebirth in me can I be sure that my offspring, whether physical or spiritual, will truly be like God!