“Before he had finished praying, he saw a young woman named Rebekah coming out
with her water jug on her shoulder…Running over to her, the servant said, ‘Please give me a drink of water from your jug.” …The man bowed low and worshiped the Lord.”
Genesis 24:15, 17, 26

We don’t know how long the man in this passage had served in Abraham’s household, but we know he had a high respect for both his master and his master’s God. In fact, when he was sent on the most honorable mission to find a wife for Abraham’s son, the servant himself prayed, “Oh Lord, God of my master, Abraham…”
His prayer was so humble, so specific, and so full of faith that before he had finished praying, he saw Rebekah coming to the spring. Of course, the servant did not know who the young girl was, but he saw she fit the exact description of what he had asked. So, without hesitation, he ran to meet her and requested a drink of water from her jug.
What amazing faith! Without a doubt, this humble servant had been learning from Abraham’s walk with God, and it was demonstrated in his own experience. He proved two simple truths that day: praying helps you see and believing helps you run!
The more we become aware of God’s consistent faithfulness in our lives, the more we will pray in faith and we too will see the answer, possibly even before we finish praying!
"Father, please help me also be a faith-filled servant, whose belief gives me courage to run!"