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“When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud

as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites

charged straight into the town and captured it.”

Joshua 6:20

Ever feel like you pray and pray, but nothing happens? Or maybe you’ve tried for years to share Jesus with a friend, but they won’t listen? I wonder how the Israelites felt after so many trips around Jericho, yet the walls looked the same. However, I see several encouraging truths in their story.

First, the ram’s horns that were normally used to assemble people, never stopped blaring as they marched. Staying together with our brothers and sisters is vital to keep us marching in faith. And just as the sound of those horns frightened the people of Jericho, so God’s saints together scare our enemy!

Next, the people were not allowed to talk. That meant not a single whisper of criticism or complaining among themselves. All they could do was look straight ahead and focus on the Ark!

Finally, they marched in the presence of the Lord.” (v. 8) Day after day, round after round, they kept marching…together with GOD. And suddenly the walls collapsed! Neither marching nor shouting produced that miracle. The walls of Jericho fell by the power of the GOD with whom they marched!

So, even when we see no cracks in our walls, may our faith never stop marching. Because one day the GOD with whom we march will make those walls collapse…suddenly!


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