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Writer's pictureWanda Sommers

“A Flock of Sparrows”

Updated: Jul 5, 2022

“What is the price of two sparrows—one copper coin? But not a single sparrow falls to the ground without our Father knowing it…So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.”

Matthew 10:29, 31 NLT

Jesus sent His disciples to the crowds of their world with these warnings: You WILL be arrested, beaten, and tried. BUT don’t worry, God WILL give you everything you need! (vs 17-19)

For every you WILL” in our lives, there is a God WILL! Our Father ALWAYS takes care of His kids! No wonder Jesus said, “Don’t worry!” and then repeated three times, “Don’t be afraid!”

First, Don’t be afraid of those who threaten you.” I’ve experienced my share of threats living among the crowds of this world. However, the threats that scream within my own head are more intimidating than the jeers of a crowds! BUT no matter the source of the threat, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid!”

Then He mentioned those who want to kill your body. The past several months, weakness in my body made me aware of my own mortality. These days unknown diseases seem to be on a rampage. BUT no matter what tries to kill our bodies, Jesus said, “Don’t be afraid!”

The hardships we will experience may look different than those of the early disciples, but the “God will” promises never change. The Father Who cares when one little sparrow falls, will surely care for us!

Don’t be afraid —

YOU are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows!


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