“Jesus called a little child to him and put the child among them. Then Jesus said, ‘I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.’”
Matthew 18:2-4

Earlier this year when a pinched nerve made me totally dependent on others, I was thrown the most valuable learning curve of my life—I had to become a little child!
I love watching children—they play so freely with no concerns. Children don’t worry about what they’ll eat or what they’ll wear. They don’t worry how they look or about making some big impression. They are children, and children have fun!
However, children know their limits. It doesn’t bother them to ask someone bigger or stronger to assist them. Children don’t hide in embarrassment when they fall and get a bloody knee. They immediately cry for help because they KNOW someone who loves them will come running! In fact, children have no idea how messy they look, but do they ever try to fix themselves up first before they ask for help?
Children are wiser than adults—they know they need help, they ask for help, and they trust the one who brings the help! And that’s the standard Jesus set for being in His Kingdom—become like little children, humble children who know they need help! I need not hide my bloody knees —I can ask for help! The One Who loves me will come running!
Trust my Father for everything—and I too will have fun!