“As surely as I live, declares the Lord, I will do to you the very things I heard you say.
You will all drop dead in this wilderness! …You said your children would be carried off as plunder. Well, I will bring them safely into the land, and they will enjoy what you have despised...But as for you, you will drop dead in this wilderness.”
Numbers 14:28-29, 31-32

Unbelief messes with our brains! When the Israelites rejected God’s promises, they had nothing to hold on to but lies. The longer they wailed in unbelief the more skewed their thinking became.
The land of bondage sounded better than the land of plenty. Dying in Egypt sounded better than facing giants. Choosing their own leader sounded better than trusting the man GOD had chosen. Then on top of those twisted lies, they imagined their wives and children as hostages.
Have you ever lived in the imaginations of unbelief so long that you thought your old life was better, or that you knew more than God, or that obeying God would kill you? How dangerous! God told the Israelites they would reap the unbelief they had sown. Their children would enjoy the land they had despised, but the unbelieving parents would drop dead in the wilderness.
We may not see the consequences of unbelief immediately, but if we keep our tents pitched in that kind of wilderness, the life God planned for us will die little by little. I wonder how many Israelites died each day in the wilderness of unbelief, desperately wishing they had believed.
Imagine dropping dead in your own wilderness!
I choose instead to believe...and live in the land of promise!