“So Ruth went out to gather grain behind the harvesters. And as it happened,
she found herself working in a field that belonged to Boaz,
the relative of her father-in-law, Elimelech.”
Ruth 2:3

How often have you said, “I just happened to be…or I just happened to see…?” We may think things just happen, but not the stories in God’s Plan Book. Ruth could have never planned the events that were about to transpire, but GOD had already written the script, and HE made it happen!
Ruth had no idea where to go when she went out to gather grain that day, but as it happened, she found herself in a certain field. Evidently it was the exact field GOD had planned, because while she was there, Boaz just happened to arrive from Bethlehem. Everyone knows owners are not always on site, but Boaz just happened to come that day, at the perfect time…GOD’s time.
Besides that, previously Boaz just happened to hear about Ruth leaving her homeland to lovingly care for her mother-in-law. (v 11) And later when Boaz took a seat at the town gate to discuss buying the land that would make Ruth his wife, the only man who could sell Boaz that property happened to come by just then! (4:1)
So, next time you find yourself in a place you never expected, remember…you can trust your Father. He knew every day of your life before you were born! With Him, nothing just happens!