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Writer's pictureWanda Sommers

“Don’t Worry About a Thing”

“Now don’t worry about a thing, my daughter. I will do what is necessary…”

Ruth 3:11

I purposely saved this blog for today because the story of Boaz is a beautiful picture of how GOD cares for us. We may need this reminder in a year that’s already plagued with unprecedented uncertainty. Boaz, like our Heavenly Father…

--treated his workers with kindness and took care of their needs.

--took the first step toward relationship…he went over to Ruth and spoke kindly to her.

--invited Ruth to stay with his people so she would be protected.

--provided water for her thirst.

--called Ruth to come and eat, and gave her special food, enough to share with others!

--arranged for extra grain dropped on purpose just for Ruth.

--carefully protected Ruth’s character.

--acted on her behalf, to redeem her to the family.

When Boaz told Ruth, “Don’t worry about a thing,” he already had a plan…and immediately acted to do what was necessary to make her secure. His love redeemed a young foreigner and made her part of his family!

You may already feel like a foreigner in this strange world of 2021, but when your Redeemer says, “Don’t worry about a thing…” you can be sure HE already has a plan and will “…do what is necessary” to keep you safe in HIS family!

And that kind of Love will ensure a Happy New Year!


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