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“God’s Treasure Pouch”

“Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in his treasure pouch.”

1 Samuel 25:29 NLT

David had just buried his life-long mentor and was still running from Saul when he encountered yet another problem, Nabal. Even though David’s men had kindly protected his shepherds earlier, when David asked for help, evil Nabal responded with curses.

Acting more like Saul, David immediately galloped toward revenge. Fortunately, he was stopped in his tracks by Nabal’s wife who offered abundant provisions she had kindly prepared for David’s army. However, the greatest gift Abigail gave that day came tucked inside her humble speech to David, “Even when you are chased by those who seek to kill you, your life is safe in the care of the Lord your God, secure in His treasure pouch!” She went on to remind David that GOD was at work in his life, and when HE finished performing all HE had promised, David would not want this blemish to be on his record.

Do we also forget where our security lies? Do we sometimes end up with blemishes on our record because we too acted in haste? If only we could remember that we are GOD’s treasure. He has us tucked away with all His other jewels, close to His heart. There is no need to fix anything or make anything happen. We can simply rest…

We are secure in HIS treasure pouch!


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