“HE is my advocate, and He will rescue me from your power.”
1 Samuel 24:15

Insurance companies offer all kinds of coverage plans. But the most interesting plan is life insurance—benefit coverage for a spouse after their loved one dies.
But David enjoyed protection coverage like no other—insurance for his life! It protected him from flying spears (18:11; 19:10), it barred his enemy from finding him (23:14), and it even put his enemy’s soldiers to sleep so they would not hear David nearby! (26:12) Besides that, his Broker never failed to show up at every place of danger, even though it meant 24/7 coverage in a wilderness!
Did David have to follow a list of rules to earn this special coverage? Were there magic words he had to speak to get assistance? Absolutely not! David simply chose to love and trust the One who died to give him life, and that relationship was his priority. No wonder the Protector was constantly at his side.
David enjoyed God’s personal protection plan outlined in Psalm 91, and so can you if YOU make the Lord YOUR refuge. (v. 9) Protection flows through relationship. When YOU choose to make that connection, the Lord’s promise is yours: “I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in My name.” (v. 14)
Enjoy God’s Protection Plan for Life—It’s called RELATIONSHIP!