“Ruth fell at his feet and thanked him warmly ‘What have I done to
deserve such kindness?’ she asked. ‘I am only a foreigner.’”
Ruth 2:10
Ruth left the familiar to live in the unknown. I can certainly relate to that! My journals are full of foreigner feelings... “I look different…I sound different…I feel like a child learning how to talk…people stare at me…I feel strange…I don't fit.”
Over the years, God often used Ruth’s story to encourage me: When Boaz saw Ruth working in his field, he went over to her, spoke kindly to her, invited her to “stay right here with us,” and “help yourself to the water from the well.” Likewise, my Master has come to me countless times, speaking kindly through His Word. And He always put others around me who shared water from HIS well. I was never alone!
Even though I often felt like a foreigner, I was grateful for my Master’s daily protection and provision. Like Ruth, l had to fall at His feet and say, “What did I do to deserve such kindness?” Boaz’s answer blessed me many times, “I know about everything you have done…” He knew Ruth had left her family to live among strangers. Yet it was THERE, that GOD made her fruitful. My Master knew all about me too, and HE made me fruitful…even though I was only a foreigner!
Our Master also left His home to live in a strange land…
HE understands foreigners!